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Privacy policy “Newsletter”

Information concerning the processing of personal data

Manifattura Falomo Srl, with registered office in Morsano al Tagliamento (PN), Via Feletti n. 21, e-mail address, is the Data Controller of personal details (hereinafter “Controller”), and issues the following information to the User in compliance with European and Italian legislation concerning the protection of personal data.

This information integrates the website’s navigation policy in order to inform the User on how the Controller will specifically handle any data entered in this contact form: we, therefore, invite you to view our privacy policy.

Purposes of data processing and legal basis

If you register for this service, Manifattura Falomo Srl will process any gathered personal data to share through newsletters sent via e-mail any information regarding products or services, as well as advertisements or invitations to events in which the Data Controller will join. The legal basis consists of the need for the pursuit of the aforementioned purpose.

Data storage period

The Controller will store the data until the termination of the service or until you unsubscribe.

The conferment of data and consequences in case of refusal

Users provide personal data on a voluntary basis, however, the refusal to provide the data makes it impossible to register for this service.

Purpose of data communication and categories of recipients

The Controller will not disclose data, which will be communicated exclusively to internal figures authorized to process data according to their assigned tasks, as well as to professionals, companies or other third parties who perform services on our behalf and who are therefore appointed to be controllers through a specific contract or other legal act.

Data transfer to a third country and/or an international organization

Personal data will not normally be transferred to non-European third countries nor to international organizations. The Controller uses a platform located in Australia to send newsletters: however, the supplier is bound by contractual clauses, which the European Commission has deemed to guarantee adequate security measures.

Rights of the users

The user has the right to unsubscribe from this service at any time and may also ask the Controller to access personal data and rectify them if inaccurate, delete them or limit their use if conditions are met, and obtain data portability.

In order to exercise his or her rights, the user can use the form available here and forward it to the Owner at the following address: The user also has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority, the Guarantor for the protection of personal data (

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    Indem ich auf "Senden" klicke, erkläre ich, dass ich die Datenschutzbestimmungen gelesen habe und mir bewusst ist, dass meine Daten nach Australien übermittelt werden. Ich bitte Manifattura Falomo Srl, mich für den Newsletter-Service anzumelden, um Informationen über Produkte oder Dienstleistungen sowie Werbeaktionen oder Einladungen zu Veranstaltungen, an denen das Unternehmen teilnimmt, zu erhalten.